Notice Board
Please note that Bristol Shiplovers Society meetings are now held on Monday afternoons starting at 1230 pm.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018
Under the above regulations that came into force on 25th May 2018 the Society can only contact members or retain data about them with their consent. Membership details/Consent forms have been sent to all members for completion and return to the Chairman, Captain Roger Francis. This is essential if you wish to continue to hear from us; without such consent we are unable to contact you with general update notices etc or details of meetings and events. Although originally introduced under EU legislation these regulations are now incorporated into UK law.
Social events and visits in 2025
These have not yet been finalised but will appear here as soon as possible.
Change of Society Webmaster.
Plese note that our long-standing webmaster Bernard Mennell has now stood down and is replaced by Lyn Jackson. We wish her well in undertaking this task.
This page updated 25 Jan 2025.