President - Commodore R W Warwick OBE Rtd, Cunard Line.

Welcome to the website of the Bristol Shiplovers Society.  We have a broadly based membership united by a love of ships and the sea past and present.  Our interests include the Royal and Merchant Navies, inland waterways, and in fact anything water or shipping related. We also have occasional meetings on other topics, such as railways and aviation. 

When Bristol was still a deep sea trading port.  MV 'Fenja Dan' and tug 'John King' approaching the Horseshoe Bend on the River Avon, May 1961.  (Photo: the late Peggy Williams)

We meet on Monday afternoons twice a month from September to December and late February to May, for talks by guest speakers. Venue is the Royal British Legion Club at Whitchurch, Bristol BS14 OQF.  See the 'Programme' page for details of meetings and events.  In the summer there are also visits to places of interest.

Membership subscription is £16 per year, or £26 for couples. Meetings are friendly and informal and visitors are very welcome admission £3 per head.  

We look forward to welcoming you!

 Website last updated:  07th March 2025   Lyn + Roger                                                                                                                                        

The Society is grateful to Kate Mennell for 'building' this website.

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